Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who is Jack???

Hi! My name is Aaron and I bet you want to know who Jack is??? Jack is my stuffed bear and best friend. I got him in 2002 when I was just 1 year old. My dad brought him back from Hawaii. He is so cool. We have had so many adventures together that I thought I would start sharing them with everyone! So, if you want to hear about some of the cool stuff we do just check my blog.

I got the idea for my blog from the movie Julie and Julia! Since I don't know how to cook I decided to write about what I do know and that is JACK!


  1. I am very excited to hear the many adventures of Aaron and Jack.

  2. Hey Jack and Aaron! Good job on your first blog guys! No maybe you will stop using up all the paper in the house to write your stories! Have fun!

    Love Ya!

  3. Wonderful start... I can't wait to read more!

  4. Anxiously awaiting the next installment of The Adventures of Jack! :D

  5. Hi Aaron and Jack! I think your idea for a blog is a good one. I have subscribed to it and look forward to hearing about your adventures!

    Linda Van Der Werf
